Rock Dust Lavagrow Minerals


Rock-Dust - Lavagrow Mineral Products

Parts per Million - All essential Elements

Rock Dust contains every beneficial element known to science except Nitrogen.

Justus von Liebig's - Law of the Minimum

Justus von Liebig's Law of the Minimum states that yield is proportional to the amount of the most limiting nutrient, whichever nutrient it may be.

From this it may be inferred that, if the deficient elelment is supplied, yields may be improved to the point that some other nutrient is needed in greater quantity than the soil can provide, and the Law of the Minimum would apply in turn to that nutrient.

For ease of reference we have calculated per square meter the rate for each element [in number of particles]

The Necessity of Minerals in Food

“Soil is the basis of all human life and our only hope for a healthy world: All of life will be either healthy or unhealthy according to the fertility of the soil.

Minerals in the soil control the metabolism of cells in plant, animal and man.

Diseases are created chiefly by destroying the harmony reining among mineral substances present in infinitesimal amounts in air, water and food, but most importantly in the soil”

- Dr. Alexis Carrel. [Winner of Nobel Prize for Medicine]


Howard Geater +27 82 450 8253

Rock Dust Works!

Tomato Trials



Rock Dust is Kinder to the Environment

Rock Dust has almost zero impact environmentally because the production process is physical and not chemical.

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Posted by Howard Geater on Saturday, August 4, 2012 Views: 11913



Farmers! See what you save with Rock Dust !

Use 50% less NPK fertilisers with your full application of Rock Dust., because Rock Dust reduces Phosphorous Fixation less traditional fertilisers are required.

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Posted by Howard Geater on Saturday, August 4, 2012 Views: 9915



Rock Dust Benefits- Reduce Phosphorus fixation

Farming trials have shown that when Phosphorous fertiliser is added to soil, more than half becomes fixed in the soil, leaving a much smaller amount for plant uptake.

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Posted by Howard Geater on Saturday, August 4, 2012 Views: 11868



Why Rock Dust ?

For years scientists have been warning of an apocalyptic future facing the world. But belief is growing that an answer to some of the earth's problems are not only at hand, but under our feet.

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Posted by Howard Geater on Saturday, August 4, 2012 Views: 13207